Why Robust

Robust is more than a product choice. It is a lifestyle choice. The choice of a healthier tomorrow. What do you stand by? Health? Tradition? Values? Integrity? Goodness? Freshness? Purity? We, stand by all of this.


A product intended for ingestion should be fresh, if nothing else. For freshness is the basic ingredient of quality. And the greatest testimony to our freshness is our source – the coconut farm. We procure mature coconuts of the finest quality from farmers along the coastal region. The freshness of these priced drupes are kept intact throughout the whole processing, packaging and distribution.


Robust is rooted in the traditional practices of oil production. To ensure the rich taste of traditionally processed coconut oil, we sun-dry the copras. We take extreme care to avoid the presence of artificial ingredients in our product.


Each drop of Robust coconut oil is as pure as pure can be. Robust is a stickler for quality production and expert recommendation. This has enabled us to engineer the purest coconut oil in the land, devoid of artificial enhancers or harmful chemicals.

What we present to you, is in short, a true, quality product.


Robust Green Bottle

Robust Jerry Can

Robust Pouch

Robust Transparent
